Tuesday: NoSQL Day
Java is a widely used language, but do you know all the things one can achieve with Java? Join us in the Java track and peek under the hood of the JVM. Learn which knobs to turn and which levelers to push. Become a better developer by learning about the latest cutting edge technology using Java and the JVM platform. Know what to use and when. The Java track will help you see how to use the JVM to take your dream application and get (it) real.
10:15 - 11:05
This session overviews the changes in Java EE 6.
Java EE 6 drops a handful of outdated APIs, breaks up the monolithic platform into profiles and adds generic dependency injection. We will explore all of these changes in this session.
Reza Rahman is an independent consultant specializing in Java EE. He is currently focused on the Resin EJB 3.1 Lite/Java EE 6 Web Profile implementation and a member of the Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1 expert groups. He is a frequent speaker at seminars, conferences and Java user groups as well as an contributor to TSS. He has been working with Java EE since its inception in the mid-nineties. He has developed enterprise systems in the financial, healthcare, telecom and publishing industries.
11:20 - 12:10
We'll discuss why an adaptive runtime is potentially far more powerful than any static compilation environment. We'll touch on the most interesting parts of all Java Virtual Machine (JVM) internals in an adaptive context: code generation, memory management, synchronization, and achieving performance. Then we'll discuss how online monitoring can at zero cost plug into the adaptive runtime and provide complete control over a prod. environment. This is exemplified with JRockit Mission Control
Marcus has a background in computer security but has worked with runtimes since 1999. Marcus was one of the founding members of Appeal Virtual Machines, the company that developed the JRockit JVM. Marcus has been team lead and architect for the JRockit code generators and has been involved in pretty much every other aspect of the JRockit JVM internals. Since 2007 Marcus works for Oracle on fast Virtualization technology.
Marcus is one of the founders of Appeal Virtual Machines, the company that created the JRockit JVM. He is currently working as Architect, Team Lead, and Engineering Manager for the JRockit Mission Control team. In his spare time he enjoys coding on his many pet projects, composing music, and scuba diving. Marcus has contributed JRockit related articles, whitepapers, tutorials, and webinars to the JRockit community, and has been an appreciated speaker at Oracle Open World, EclipseCon, etc.
13:10 - 14:00
Explore what's new on the cutting edge release of Maven, version 3.0. We'll explore the performance improvements, features that make debugging Maven issues easier, and changes to POMs that may require modifications to your build, but will result in more determinate build outputs.
Matthew McCullough is an energetic 14 year veteran of software development, open source education, and co-founder of Ambient Ideas, a Denver consultancy. Matthew is a member of the JCP, author of the upcoming Presentation Patterns & Anti-Patterns book, multi-year speaker on the No Fluff Just Stuff tour, author of the DZone Maven, Git & Google App Engine RefCards. He channels his teaching energy through activities as President of the Denver Open Source Users Group.
14:15 - 15:05
In this, the eighth installment of the perennial crowd pleaser, Click and Hack, the Type-It brothers, are truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. But some of the dregs they come up with may still astonish, delight, and educate. Either that or you can have a good laugh at their expense. There's only one way to find out. Come to the "Java Puzzlers: Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel" session. And come early, because as always, overripe fruit will be given to the first fifty attendee.
William Pugh is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland. He joined Maryland in 1988, after receiving a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University. Among other research contributions, he led the FindBugs project, an open source tool for finding coding mistakes and security vulnerabilities in Java programs. FindBugs has been downloaded more than one million times, and is used by many companies, including Google, eBay, Amazon and Oracle.
15:35 - 16:25
OSGi brings modularity and µServices to Java, and with it a new set of issues for developers to solve. Are tools keeping up, or are you just trading known problems for the unknown?
Is OSGi doomed to perpetual re-discovery, or will it break into the mainstream with the release of Enterprise-OSGi? Time for a hard look at the state of OSGi today, warts and all, and its potential future.
Stuart McCulloch is a consultant at Sonatype working on migrating products from Plexus to Guice and modularizing them with OSGi. Stuart has over 10 years experience of Java. He is a committer at Google's Guice project and the author of Peaberry, a Guice extension for injecting dynamic services. Stuart is responsible for the maven-bundle-plugin at Apache Felix, the Pax-Construct tools for rapid OSGi development, and co-author of "OSGi in Action" from Manning Publications.
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